My Love and Loyalty

I still recall the post, "My Hate", which I made over three years ago. It was practically a list of almost every single thing that pisses me off. What I'm posting now, is a total opposite. Why am I doing this? I dunno...really...perhaps I just want to give my mind and my fingers a work out~~~hehehe...I'll arrange it from increasing to decreasing...

  1. I am in love and in total loyalty to P.C.S.A.
  2. I love and am loyal to my country.
  3. I love myself (bwahaha).
  4. I somewhat love and am loyal to my comrades (you know...more than just best friends...)
  5. to be continued...

1 Comments and Crticisms:


October 22, 2008 at 6:26 AM

hahah..loyalty to comrades... im thinking different kinds of loyalty wahahah joke!