Best Dream...EVER

I feel like shit today...but at least I had a good dream.

It began at about 2:00AM when things began to settle down after trying to explain some deeds regarding sex and a radio broadcast (that's a LONG story). As soon as I closed my eyes after watching CNN, I found myslef waking up to the face of a man screaming in my face. He was hollering for me to "get up and move". Confused and bewildered, I had no choice but to obey. I found myself walking in a column with other guys. At this point, I noticed that I was holding a very old musket and wearing a strange uniform. I recognized my uniform as a military uniform of the British Army in the 18th Century. For some reason, everyone else had helmets but me. We walked for a long time and I was amazed by the scenery (I am pleased to say my imagination is like a good video card). After what seemed like ages of walking,

***to be continued as soon as I fix the internet at my home***

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