Just too Lazy

Didn't feel like going to school today. I just didn't feel like wasting my Saturday in school even if there isn't anything worthwhile to do over there. I started my morning at about 8:00AM and naturally I went straight to the computer and started a skirmish game in C&C Generals. After that I went to the other computer and made some minor changes in my blog before loading the latest House MD video. While waiting, Azrail was OL so the for the sake of satisfying my curiosity, I asked her if anything significant was happening. It turns out her boyfriend was the one using the YM with her account. One thing led to another and I found myself in a pointless, annoying conversation with him about the Russian president, Vladamir Putin. It ended after about 20 boring minutes. I am no watching the House MD episode "97 Seconds" as I type this load of crap. I will go the mall later to buy myself a new phone and perhaps tend to the garden.

I will NOT regret going to school today. Instead of long hours sleeping on a sheet of plastic in the classroom, I will join my family in visiting my ill grandmother in Quiapo.




Aww, who am I kidding? I'm also going to Quiapo to buy some cheap PC games.

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